Ward Lake Bike Trails Bid Request

Ward Lake Bike Trails Project
City of Mena, Arkansas
Ward Lake Bike Trails Project
EDA Grant 08-79-05640
Sealed bids from Bike Trail Developers for bike trail construction will be received by City of Mena until 2:00 p.m. on November 6, 2023 and then at said location publicly opened and read aloud.
The scope of work consists of building mountain bike trails and trail features. The trail system to be constructed is a destination to attract hikers, bikers and trail runners of various skills, ages, and abilities alike.
Information for Bidders, Bid and Contract Forms, Plans and Specifications and other contract documents can be examined and/or obtained at
Mena Advertising & Promotion Commission
524-A Sherwood Avenue
Mena, AR 71953
A Performance Bond equaling 100% of the total amount of any bid exceeding $20,000 must be provided for any contract for the repair, alteration or erection of any public building, public structure or public improvement (pursuant to Act 351 or 1953 as amended by Act 539 of 1979). (Surety companies must be listed on Circular 570).
The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Bidders may not withdraw their bids within 30 days after the date of bid opening. All bidding processes shall be in accordance with State law.
To request bidding information or obtain further information contact:
Rick Chrisman, Chair